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Latest Blog Posts


Website Lead Generation: How to Go From Zero to Hundred Leads Daily?

1024 536 Surej Shams

One of the core motives behind having a website today is generating new leads or customers.  And if your website isn’t generating any new leads even in 2020, you really need to rethink your marketing strategy. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can generate highly qualified leads from your website by making a…

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Digital Marketing Career Options in India: Which One to Choose?

1024 536 Surej Shams

So, I have been meeting a lot of young aspiring Digital Marketers after coming to this field. And interestingly, there is a good percentage of them getting into good job roles in reputed companies. But there is quite a considerable bunch of people who are still confused about this field. Some of them are…

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Top 15 Tips to Write a Good Blog Post and Earn Shares

1024 536 Surej Shams

Let me guess. You always wanted to write that one blog post people would love to share relentlessly, right? But, something was just not right. Read this casually, it’s a no-brainer, and no hard language involved. I am going to tell you how to write a good blog post and earn some real shares and solid traffic…

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Digital Marketing for Beginners: a Comprehensive Guide

1024 536 Surej Shams

You are reading this now because you have been coming across these words (Digital Marketing, Online Marketing) quite often in your personal and professional life. Well, you have come to the right place.This post is particularly aimed at the very beginners to make them understand what Digital Marketing is all about…

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